Water Partners, through Genius Watter, offers the market Nos Água, a superior quality water that is periodically monitored through laboratory analyses and transported by truck to Praia.
Water Partners, works with Genius Watter investing and intervening to improve water supply
Through a battery-free, reverse osmosis desalination system built and designed by Genius Watter, Water Partners can provide up to 500 m3/day of clean, safe water.
We are talking about Fonton, a locality in Praia, the capital of Cape Verde, which suffers from the lack of a constant and quality water supply.
Water distribution is not always guaranteed, it happens at intervals and is divided by zones. Distribution is also managed through truck transport, but is often not of optimal quality or sold at high prices.
To meet the challenges of households and businesses, Water Partners decided to take action to improve the water supply.
Photovoltaic system
on-grid 35 kWp.
Saves 37 tonnes/year of C02
Solar-powered Genius RO 6k15 reverse osmosis desalination plant.
Production of approximately 400,000 litres of water per day
Two vending machines located at different distances from the production site
This creates a distribution network closer to the consumer and reduces the distance and number of trips that ‘water trucks’ have to make.
Genius Watter S.R.L.
Via Postumia 9/B,
35010 Carmignano di Brenta (PD)
Genius Água e Energia CV, SA
Ilha de Santiago, cidade da Praia cp7110 , zona achada grande trás, instalações MTCV
Genius Watter Zanzibar Ltd
Kilimani City street, Stone town,
Zanzibar, Tanzania.
P.O.Box 321, Kijangwani.
Genius Invest
Cumar Hashi Building 507, Estate Road,
Hargeisa – Somaliland
Genius Invest Puntland
Cadduun Plaza Hotel
Garowe – Puntland
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